Windows Package Manager 包管理工具
现在 Windows 也有类似 brew 和 apt 之类的包管理工具, 那就是 choco
Chocolatey Software - Chocolatey - The package manager for Windows
如果你想安装 C++ 库也很方便。首先安装好 vcpkg, 把 vcpkg 加入到 system path 。然后让他连接 Visual Studio (先安装 Visual Studio).s
vcpkg integrate install
vcpkg (记得在纯净的 powershell 运行, 不要运行任何 x64 Native Build Tool Prompt 之类的 wrapper 命令行)
以后想装什么新的 library , 可以直接
vcpkg search <pkg_name>
例如我想装 sdl2 和 ompl
ompl 1.5.0#1 The Open Motion Planning Library, consists of many state-of-the-art sampling-b...
ompl[app] Add support for reading meshes and performing collision checking
还有 sdl2
sdl2 2.0.12#5 Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform development library designed to p...
sdl2[vulkan] Vulkan functionality for SDL
sdl2-gfx 1.0.4-6 Graphics primitives (line, circle, rectangle etc.) with AA support, rotozoomer...
sdl2-image 2.0.5 SDL_image is an image file loading library. It loads images as SDL surfaces an...
sdl2-image[libjpeg-turbo] Support for JPEG image format
sdl2-image[libwebp] Support for WEBP image format.
sdl2-image[tiff] Support for TIFF image format
sdl2-mixer 2.0.4#10 Multi-channel audio mixer library for SDL.
sdl2-mixer[dynamic-load] Load plugins with dynamic call
sdl2-mixer[libflac] Support for FLAC audio format.
sdl2-mixer[libmodplug] Support for MOD audio format.
sdl2-mixer[libvorbis] Support for OGG Vorbis audio format.
sdl2-mixer[mpg123] Support for MP3 audio format.
sdl2-mixer[nativemidi] Support for MIDI audio format on Windows and macOS.
sdl2-mixer[opusfile] Support for Opus audio format.
sdl2-net 2.0.1-8 Networking library for SDL
sdl2-ttf 2.0.15-3 A library for rendering TrueType fonts with SDL
- sdl2:x64-windows
- sdl2-gfx
- sdl2-image
- sdl2-mixer
- sdl2-net
- sdl2-ttf
Setup SDL2 with VS2019 and vcpkg - DEV Community)
Setup SDL2 with VS2019 and vcpkg - DEV Community
这里可以选 x86 还是 x64 哦。