There are two ways to create custom images for Azure.

  • capture a VM in Azure (most of YouTube will teach you how to do that)
  • start from a VHD file

Prepare a VHD for Azure

Step 1: Install the Linux in Hyper-V

Hyper-V drivers/modules will be automatically turned on if you use Hyper-V hypervisor.

If you use VirtualBox, you may need to install hv_vmbus etc. modules, and enable them in initramfs. But I have failed a few times by doing that, so I recommend Hyper-V.

You could test those modules by lsmod | grep hv_

Step 2: Prepare an Ubuntu virtual machine for Azure

Create and upload an Ubuntu Linux VHD in Azure - Azure Virtual Machines - Microsoft Docs

Follow steps, but remember to delete your personal account, and login to the root account to deprovision the VM.

You could copy all those scripts and upload to Github. In VM, clone those scripts and execute them. Before executing them, give each script the chmod +x and run it ./

Make sure your personal account is deleted. Note that Ubuntu Desktop does not allow you to login by root, so it makes more senses to install Ubuntu Server (ans SSH Port 22 is lisening).

or Ubuntu图形桌面切换到命令行界面 - 运维密码 - 博客园 (

Step 3: Upload VHD to Azure (with Azure Storage Explorer)

How to Bring Your Own Operating System to Azure with Virtual Machine Hard Disk Images (VHD) - YouTube

Create a Storage Account in Azure (disable the “public access”)

and upload VHD by Azure Storage Explorer.